Monday, October 5, 2009

The Prettiest Fig

It is my immense pleasure to present to you one of the first pictures of Taylor Baby #3. Or, as she (we're speaking in faith) has lovingly been referred to lately, "Fig". According to the website I've been following during this pregnancy, that's about the size of a baby at 11 weeks...a fig. Only one and a half inches long, but oh-so-incredible already. It was breathtaking to watch on the screen as she squirmed and wriggled inside of me. Such huge movements for such a teeny body, and I don't yet feel a thing. So weird. It's only been about 9 weeks since conception and already her little body is almost completely formed. Her job now is to continue to mature and grow like crazy. She even has the beginnings of fingernails and tiny little teeth buds. It blows me away!

What an incredible gift, to be able to carry new life inside of you. To know that, in your belly, a new little life is growing, developing and being nurtured. Jesus, I thank You that Your hand has been on this little one from the very beginning and that You continue to watch over her, shelter her and protect her. Keep her safe as she grows and develops inside of me, and I thank You that for all of her days, she will be led and taught by You.


Kathy said...

Amen! How precious and awesome it is that God involves us in the miracle of new life!

I love you, little one!

Chris and Jane said...

That is a pretty cute little fig. I can't wait to hold her. Or him. But, let's hope it's a her because a him may not appreciate being referred to as the "prettiest." : )