Monday, November 3, 2008

What do you think?

It's been a while now, but several months ago I came across a phrase online that I haven't been able to get out of my mind. I can't remember if it was the title to a song or what, but I thought it'd make an interesting blog topic. The phrase was:

the nobility of barren prayer

I'm a dictionary girl, so when I think about this in Webster terms, I come up with something like this:

a distinguished and exalted state of prayer that is incapable of producing results

Hmm. Is there a problem there, or am I just reading into things? Yes, I do understand that some prayers don't get answered. In our fallen state, we don't always ask for things that are in line with God's will for us. And, God's will can't always be expressed because of the influence of evil on the Earth. But? I guess I see a point in that there is something noble about persevering in the face of petitions that seem to go unanswered. After all, aren't we supposed to try, try and try again? But, I think the way I read it is more of a focus just on the "barren prayer" part. It smacked me square in the face. Is there any such thing? Regardless or whether the prayer is being answered, you're still communing with our Creator, right? Building relationship is paramount, I'd think.

What do you think?


Kathy said...

What about the prayer of the Pharisee in the parable that Jesus told (Luke 18:9-14)? I think that a wrong attitude of heart can produce a "barren" prayer, and I can't see how that is noble.

Anonymous said...

God does answer all my prayers. Sometimes He tells me NO! That is a word we humans don't like to hear, but it is an answer.