Monday, July 28, 2008

What's Up, Chuck?

A quick word of warning: for those readers with squeamish tendencies, you may want to quit here.

My precious little Caleb. He's such a sweetheart. While he was taking his nap today, I was in the den working. All of a sudden, he started crying like crazy. I went running, because that's not a normal thing for him. His room was dark, but I could see him sitting at the edge of his bed. I was trying to assess the situation and see what had happened. He was a bit hysterical, though, so it took awhile before I could hear him choke out the words, "Momma, I spit up!" [Oh. You're right. Now that you mention it, I do feel something warm and squishy between my toes.] Some of you are thinking, "Big deal, a little spit up." Oh, no. Thankfully for Caleb and I both, he hasn't had enough bouts of nausea to make him aware of this stuff called vomit or anything else related to throwing up. He simply refers to it as "spitting up" because that's what Owen does. Nope. This was full-fledged vomit. I think his entire lunch was in his sheets, down the side of his bed, and in a puddle on the floor. (And, yes, gushed between my toes.) It was all there. I had even given him a few gummy bears after lunch as a special treat, since he'd eaten so much - fish sticks, ketchup, corn and macaroni and cheese. Mmm...

Anyways, I'm not sure what it was that caused his brief yet comprehensive stomach revolt. All I know is that we will most likely be avoiding fish sticks in the future. These may very well have been his first AND last.

Oh. And I think I'll flip the light switch from now on while I'm running to his rescue.


Chris and Jane said...

Yucky. My mom always said I managed to throw up on her when I was little instead of making it to the bathroom. Mommys are so lucky sometimes.

Carrie said...

Ok, so this is a bizarre post on which to leave this comment, I know... but when I need to read a "comforting" blog, I come here! I don't know what it is entirely, but your stories and your life strike me as peaceful. Plus you have a peaceful presence in real life, too. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I do stop by occasionally to see what you are doing... and while I don't envy the squishy throw-up, I think you have a beautiful life.

Sarah Taylor said...

Thanks so much, Carrie. In the midst of what feels like total chaos, it's nice to think that we can manage to maintain some sense of tranquility. I'm pretty sure it's a total facade, but oh well. And thanks for reminding me that my life is beautiful. Between the squishy throw up, the backyard bathroom misunderstandings and the seemingly endless mis-adventures, it can make a life abroad feel like it'd be so much more...important, I guess. In the end, though, I guess I need to realize that I'm working in my own very small mission field. And, in the mean time, I'll continue to live my more well-rounded, well-traveled life vicariously through your stories. Thanks so much for sharing them. It's fascinating to get a glimpse of what such a different life might be like.