Friday, October 17, 2008

Ladies' Man

I wish that there was some way I could have music playing in the background for particular posts. The song I'd pick for this one would have a definite "bow-chi-chi-bow-bow" theme.

First, I must start by thanking my brother, David or "Uncie Dave", for imparting such valuable nuggets of life knowledge to my Caleb. He is, I'm sure, the only four-year-old that knows what it means to drop a deuce. He's also got a killer handshake. He can "bump-it, pound-it and lock-it-down" with more enthusiasm and skill than the average Joe. All of these character defining abilities are due to Dave's influence. (Thank you, again.)

Yesterday, Dave taught Caleb how to wink. Not "just wink", though. He specifically taught him how to wink AT GIRLS. He told him, for instance, that he could wink at Nycole (Dave's girlfriend) and at Faerl. He told them that it'd make them feel really special and nice. So, he practiced his new skill for a few minutes and that was the end of that. When I picked him up from school, though, I was getting him into his car seat and he kept making the weirdest looking face at me. It was then that I realized I was on the receiving end of one of his special winks. Not wanting to fail in my responsibility to provide him with an appropriate reaction, I told him that I missed it and asked if he'd mind doing it again. He was happy to oblige. But first, he said, "Okay. I'll wink and then you say: 'Oohhh! I LOVE HIM!'" (Imagine Caleb with eyes rolled back and a swoony voice...) Yes. He's figured out how this winking thing works and, apparently, he's prepared to use it on unsuspecting females, so watch out!


This afternoon we were chatting while he was having a snack. He asked if we could have a baby girl some time. I told him that I'd LOVE to have a baby girl and I asked if he'd like to have a baby sister. He said, "Yeah! And I can kiss her, because girls are BEAUTIFUL!"

Yikes! I know most parents don't threaten/need to lock their kids in a closet until they hit puberty, but can we go ahead and throw him in now?


Chris and Jane said...

That's not the only way Caleb has proved himself as a worthy man lately...but, we won't go into that : )
Here's to a future heartbreaker.

Anonymous said...

Please don't lock Caleb in the closet!! Go ahead and put Uncle Dave in the closet and lock it up tight.

Faerl Marie said...

I agree with Uncle Jerry!
You had better warn his teacher, i guess it is a good thing there aren't many girls in his class and he is so "misunderstood" by all of them!
Caleb is absolutely priceless!! I can't wait to hear allt he things he passes down to lil' brudder!

Serafina said...

Sarah, this is hilarious! I'm so glad I found your blog, this made me laugh out loud.
