So? What's happened in the last several weeks?
We had quite the attack of various little germs. Eye boogers, tummy aches, fevers, etc. Thank God, I think we're finally past all of the bugs that were plaguing us. Caleb still insists, though, that there are bugs in his tummy that sneak in from under his bed during the night. No telling where that came from.
With the help of family, we tore out an old shed and various "stuff" from the corner of the yard and installed a very nice play area for the boys. I'm really praying that it will lead to many hours of enjoyable (safe) play for them. I know that Caleb is excited, and will be even more so, once a sand box is added to the area. Owen hasn't been able to partake in the fun, yet. He definitely does seem eager to get down (and dirty), though. I'm sure his time is coming, sooner than I'd like.
I took on a project in the back yard as well. Our grass suffered last summer from our inexperience in how to properly tend to a lawn. So, last week I raked out all the dead grass and re-seeded. It was quite a chore. By the end of the day, it took me FAR too long to straighten up again. I was kinked, for sure! As the song says, "I'm much to young to feel this 'darn' old." Ah, well. Thankfully, I'm still young enough to recover!
Then my mom, Caleb, Owen, my Uncle Jerry and I all participated in the March of Dimes' March for Babies. It was fun, definitely an experience I'd like to repeat, but not for another year - thank you very much. It was long and hot, but not bad at all. Especially considering the year before it was long and cold. I'd take the hot any day.
On Mother's Day, Zach took me for a ride on his motorcycle. That was fun! We hadn't been able to go for a ride together, because we bought the bike while I was pregnant with Owen. This had been our first opportunity. I'm definitely still a weenie. But I'd rather be safe than sorry, especially when asphalt is involved.
Last week was a doozie. Zach's dad, Phil, received a kidney transplant. They got the call that the organs were available on Wednesday morning and he had the operation on Thursday afternoon. His recovery has been a little challenging, but overall, it's been so-far-so-good. What a blessing!
Also on Wednesday, Dave took a spill on his motorcycle. Actually, it probably shouldn't be referred to as a spill. The term "spill" makes me think of being poured out on the ground. He did hit the ground, eventually, but only after hitting a wall. I guess he did spill, in a round-about sort of way. His collar bone is broken and his bike is totaled. I'm praying that he's blessed with quick and thorough healing, with financial break-through and with enough maturity and responsibility to keep this from happening again! (By the way, he did successfully reaffirm my commitment to "weenie-ness".)
Owen has been up to his same old cuteness. He's getting closer and closer to crawling. He has definitely mastered skootching. (I'm not exactly sure how to spell that.) He's enjoying the increase in mobility and, you can see by the sparkle in his eye, that he can tell there's something incredible that's just beyond his grasp. He'll get it soon enough. He had his first "real" food yesterday - green beans! He finished about half the jar before he really stopped to consider his opinion of the new taste. He made a funny face and had a bit of a shudder, and then that was it. No more green beans for Owen! We'll try again today.
That's all I can think of for now. There was more involved in there (work, a graduation, a wedding, knitting with a friend, etc), but you get the point. Life is busy...and good!
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